Today was rather windy and instead of going for a sweatshirt like I normally do, I opted for this fitted denim jacket.
After watching too many re-runs of reality T.V I noticed that many of the celebrities that cameras follow around choose to pair denim with bright colors which inspired me too reach for this adorable floral scarf!
The Scarf was a Christmas gift but I haven't truly appreciated its potential until now. I have to admit it was always hard for me to find cloths in my wardrobe that went with this bright pink and tawny brown pattern. Most of the colors that go well with my light tan complexion are darker than the colors on this scarf. In fashion terms, I'm more of an autumn/fall. At least I can rest assured it looks very eye-catching on this wooden table xD
In order to stay comfy on the inside and stylish on the outside (denim tends to be rough on the interior) I wore a brown cotton hoodie. The hood peeps out of the coat collar and comes in handy when my hair is blowing all over the place. xD and I feel like the layering tends to elongate ones figure for all my petite friends out there! So with the hoodie, denim jacket and scarf, I was very cozy and warm. This pairing is truly a success!!!
OMG... ;)