hmm... where shall I begin? It was a cold stormy day when a daughter was born in the dark, dreary just kidding. what is this my life story? hahah.
Basically, I have lived my whole live in California. Ventura beach is my childhood home and my backyard has a large, green hillside. Though I live next to the city part of L.A, I don't really have a chance to experience it too often. Therefore one of my major goals in life is to live in the big city of L.A and maybe even New York....maybe :p.
I have hopes of pursuing a degree in business and culinary arts ( I love to cook) I will most likely attend a university farther from home, and closer to the city.My love for Makeup,style, and color will always be part of my life.
When I was little, I imagined working in a busy location and having my own office or walking among people in suits on their way to work. I still have some drawings of the skyscrapers that I drew as a kid. looks like I've always been living for the city.